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$10 000 Peel Gift carnival

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1$10 000 Peel Gift carnival Empty $10 000 Peel Gift carnival Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:11 am



$10 000 Peel Gift carnival 150842_466195255921_3568254_n18

WA’s richest Professional event The inaugural $10 000 Peel Gift carnival will be hosted by the Peel Thunder Football Club at Bendigo Bank Stadium in Mandurah on Saturday December 1, 2012.
The races organised by The West Coast Athletics League will be held for both male and female athletes with handicapping allowing elite sprinters to race against club athletes on level terms. Don’t miss the LIVE action!

There is a prize purse totaling more than $10 000. This event promises to become one of the most exciting and lucrative pro-running events in Western Australia. Entries will be opening on Monday October 1st 2012 stay tuned as further details are coming soon.

$10 000 Peel Gift carnival Peel-Thunder

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