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Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors

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1Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Empty Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:04 pm


Hi all, before anyone gets too excited, the early lists for the Ballarat Gift have "gone mad"
corrections are
Heat 1 Sharma 14m
heat 2 E Cross 7.25, Whitney 8.25
Heat 3 Doderico 10, Hoffman 7, Ireland Darcy 8
heat 4 Callinan 6.75
heat 5 Green 6.75. Romero 6.5
heat 6 Sherman 6, Butson 6
heat 7 O'Farrell 6, Paull 10, Barnes 6
heat 8 Dunbar 10.25, Tancredi 9 Vi 10.5
heat 9 Griffin 8.75, Tucker 8.75
heat 10 ddy 9.25, Rillaraza 8

2Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Empty Re: Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:50 pm



If Hanna is moving as well as he was in December, would be looking for his name to feature in the gift final off 4.75!

3Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Empty Re: Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:25 pm



Good to see the HRP hard at work proof reading before publishing as usual. Why not take the time to ensure all hcps are correct, rather than rushing to get them out asap.
The 2nd set still have errors. Runners further back than the week before or 1/2 and 3/4 lifts.

4Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Empty Re: Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:10 pm


Hello El Chapo
I did some research on your previous posts,
Thanks for your contribution to the sport

5Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Empty Re: Ballarat Gift handicaps, errors Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:14 pm



Thanks Chief, I hope you keep the punters happy over the weekend.

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