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Powell may not run again this season

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1Powell may not run again this season Empty Powell may not run again this season Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:18 pm



Asafa Powell pulls plug on 2010 season
By Anthony Foster,
Tuesday, 17 August 2010 10:50

100m world record holder Asafa Powell, was reliably informed, will take off the rest of the 2010 season.

"Asafa has decided not to run again this season and he believes he needs to rest his injuries," trackalerts source explained.

Powell suffered back and hamstring injuries since his Paris outing and is still unable to train at 100 per cent. The injury forced him to miss the clash with Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay in Stockholm. He also missed the Crystal Palace Meeting against Tyson Gay and Yohan Blake last weekend (Aug 13-14).

When contacted earlier, Powell's manager Paul Doyle had said it was maybe a little too early to say if he is out for the season. "We are still taking it day by day and see how he responds to treatment," commented Doyle.

However, Doyle added that "He is planning on Brussels (Aug 27) and possibly Berlin (Aug 22), which is before Brussels .... but no decision has been made on Berlin which is less than five days away."

Doyle also said: "He (Powell) feels better from the injection, but still not able to train fully for a month now."

Last week, Usain Bolt announced he would be taking the season off which reports suggested lost him over US$500,000.

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