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Incident at Bendigo with POD

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1Incident at Bendigo with POD Empty Incident at Bendigo with POD Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:33 pm



Anybody aware of what went down at Bendigo with POD and Tom Burbidge? A few rumours swirling around that stewards are investigating further and there is a bit to it??

2Incident at Bendigo with POD Empty Re: Incident at Bendigo with POD Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:51 pm



Hello Alex

I've got the juice for you mate

Hopefully this puts the rumours to bed for you

3Incident at Bendigo with POD Empty Re: Incident at Bendigo with POD Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:49 pm



Thanks Juice, very interesting read. Seems like Mr O’dwyer has been in more shit than a Werribee duck this season. I sincerely hope that this isn’t the straw that break’s Tom Burbidge’s back as VAL CEO. Does a terrific job year in and year out and doesn’t deserve to to be treated like this. POD is lucky he didn’t get suspended as well. Bullying and intimidation in our sport is just not on. Good to see it got handled in a timely and objective manner

4Incident at Bendigo with POD Empty Re: Incident at Bendigo with POD Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:13 pm



Looks like POD had reasons to get upset at Bendigo. His runner (Shillito) was threatened with disqualification after the heats. She then wins the final and gets fined $1000 for inconsistent running. After an appeal, the charge has subsequently been dropped. Not excusing his behaviour, but it appears he had every right to be upset.

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