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Mystery bottle seized from champion athlete (1949 article)

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Looking for some info on a certain pro runner, I found this article about John Stoney and a mystery bottle of liquid. running trainer&searchLimits=

Wise Move To Seize Bottle, Says Official

Hobart Mercury
29 March 1949

Victorian Athletic League secretary (Mr. Bull) acted wisely in impounding a bottle containing liquid which he seized from the Australian professional foot-running champion, John Stoney, president of the league (Mr. W. Beckwith) said today.

The bottle was seized at Brenock Park on Saturday before the run ning of the big race.

Mr. Beckwith added that if Stoney had been seen drinking from the bottle he would have laid him self open to suspicion.' Therefore, Mr. Bull's action was done largely in Stoney's own interests.

"I will be surprised if any dele terious content is found," said Mr Beckwith.

"I am prepared to believe the statement of Stoney's trainer, Jim O'Neill, that the liquid was rum and a harmless preparation to avoid nervous stomach upset."

It was stated after the seizure of the bottle that Stoney suffered from a nervous stomach on completion of a race.

This was borne out when after Stoney won the 220 yards he retch ed violently while lying on the arena.

The contents of the bottle are to be analysed, but the result is not expected for three or four days.

"I hope the matter will not influence Stoney to retire from the game," added Mr. Beckwith.

"Foot-running cannot afford to lose such a champion and gentleman," he said.

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