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Continental Cup Relay Splits

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1Continental Cup Relay Splits Empty Continental Cup Relay Splits Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:29 pm



Some interesting splits from the recent Continental Cup as per Runners Tribe:

4th - Asia-Pacific (Australia) 3:03.66
(Joel Milburn AUS 46.39, Ben Offereins AUS 45.47, Brendan Cole AUS 46.03, Kevin Moore AUS 45.77)

- Solid run from Moore, coverting to around 46.4/46.5

4th - Asia-Pacific 3:33.32
(Lauren Boden AUS 53.77, Jody Henry AUS 52.20,Olivia Tauro AUS 52.23, Amanda Crook AUS 55.12)


In response to an email request I have deleted the comments made and apologise for any offence caused. I have also deleted further posts alluding to the comments made.


Last edited by youngy on Tue Sep 14, 2010 12:52 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Continental Cup Relay Splits Empty Re: Continental Cup Relay Splits Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:19 pm



Good to see Crook, the Stawell womens 400m winner, getting a run. A bit off the pace according to the splits but she wouldn't have that much International experience either.

Tauro is definitely an emerging talent at this distance.

3Continental Cup Relay Splits Empty Re: Continental Cup Relay Splits Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:35 pm



Good point IM.

Amanda Crook has received well earned recognition for her perseverence and finally gets to represent her country, albeit in a combined Asia/Pacific team. Well done to her and coach Carter.

4Continental Cup Relay Splits Empty Re: Continental Cup Relay Splits Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:42 pm



Here is some footage. Its not great in quality but good enough to get some very rough splits.

5Continental Cup Relay Splits Empty Re: Continental Cup Relay Splits Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:03 am

The Mole


Not conclusive from that what guys ran. Could be here's not enough flat 400 guys in form so Cole gets a run.

No Steff so we might struggle at comm games in the relay. selfish Steff should be at comm games to help the relay team

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